Thursday, May 14, 2009

Miracles of Allah - I

Bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim

Assalaam alaikum

I have decided to do several series in this blog. One will be what this is: Miracles of Allah, which will be video clips, photos, art, etc all that show just how amazing Allah (SWT) is. If you have any ideas for this, let me know.

Other series will include book and movie reviews, as well as whatever else I come up with over time. For movie and book reviews, whenever I see a movie/read a book (besides Qur'an and Hadith) that is either: (a) about Muslims and portrays the characters as practicing Muslims, or (b) reflects Muslim morals and ideals, or (c) is just plain about Islam, I'll do a post about it. With reviews, anyone--yes, ANYONE who reads this blog can submit a review to me (my email is If I like it, I'll proofread it and post it (giving the author credit, of course).

But for today, I am doing a "Miracles of Allah" entry.

Subhanallah, it is a miracle. Enjoy!

Alhamdulillah, what an amazing creature!


Unknown said...

Hey, as you know I don't believe in god. But I think this blog is a great Idea to show your point of view. ^^

I have some idea for showing the miracles of Allah (or God or Nature ...) : it's juste show the life(human, wild life), the happiness, beautiful landscape...

Amina said...

JazakAllah Khair, Clovis (may Allah bless you). Thank you for the suggestion. By the way, God and Allah mean the same thing. God in English, Allah in Arabic, Dieu in French, etc.

Unknown said...

I know, but for me it is the same, but I often hear : Allah and God, like different gods. And I adds "nature" for all the miracles of Nature.
Some of my thought : the Gods (or Allah in Arabic) are just an human representation of the ununderstanding miracles of the Nature who is alive. We can't understand it all, we have to accept it, but we can and have to live in peace with the nature.
I hope many people, take religion for a way to think and be in peace with himself and the others, and not a way to fight for goods and pride. I know you are this kind of people who want to live in peace!! I won't way "JazakAllah Kair" but "Assalam Allaikum"!!

(I hope you understood me with my bad english^^)

Amina said...

I know people often refer to Allah and God as separate entities, but I think that is mostly due to the misunderstanding between languages (plus, for some, the Christian deification of Jesus[AS]).

There was a time when I would have agreed with your analysis of God. However, due to the miracles of the Qur'an I believe differently now. There are some things in the Qur'an that no human could have known (the science) and it is so linguistically eloquent, no one has been able to produce anything with as much linguistic subtlety, though the Qur'an challenged people to try. Remember, the Qur'an is only in Arabic--not French, English, etc. Those are just translations.

Ben, Clovis, il faut que tu m'appelles un jour pour pratiquer l'anglais. Mon français n'est pas aussi fort qu'avant, non plus. Si tu veux mon numéro de téléphone, dis-moi.